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Study as a citizen

1. Personal information

Enter personal data as stated in the identification document.

Datum rojstva

2. Permanent residence

3. Address for Notifications

Same as permanent residence:

4. Previous education

High school graduation certificate or higher education diploma I already hold:
Method of completion of previous education:

Legend of high school completion methods:

- General Matura (from June 1, 1995)

- Vocational Matura (from March 1, 2002)

- International Matura (from June 1, 1995)

- European Matura - European Baccalaureate Certificate

- Final Exams after June 1, 1995 (from June 1, 1995, to March 1, 2002)

- Final Exams before June 1, 1995 (from January 1, 1991, to May 31, 1995, and before 1985; also the final exam certificate - trial matura from 1994)

- High School Diploma (from January 1, 1985, to August 31, 1992)

- Outstanding Artistic Talent

5. Entry of Desired Study

Higher education institution: NOA

Study program:
Place of execution:
Language of study:

Mode of study: Part-time

Application type:

6. Attachments

File formats that you can download:

ai, .cdr, .csv, .doc, .docb, .docx, .dot, .dotx, .dwg, .eps, .epub, .fla, .gpx, .ical, .icalendar, .ics, .ifb, .indd, .ipynb, .key, .kml, .kmz, .mobi, .mtf, .mtx, .numbers, .odg, .odp, .ods, .odt, .otp, .ots, .ott, .oxps, .pages, .pdf, .pdn, .pkg, .pot, .potx, .pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx, .psd, .pub, .rtf, .sldx, .txt, .vcf, .xcf, .xls, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltx, .xlw, .xps

1. Enrollment in the Year 1

2. Enrollment in a Higher Year

Please upload only relevant documents.

3. Application for studying as a resident

You can find an example of an application here.

  • For whom is the undergraduate study program, International Logistics Management, at NOA intended?
    The study of International Logistics Management at NOA is intended for all individuals interested in developing their careers in the field of transportation and logistics. Transportation and logistics are highly promising industries that offer exciting opportunities for success and the fulfillment of professional goals. At NOA, we organize the study program by combining experienced industry experts with students, enabling an efficient and seamless transition into the working environment. Our comprehensive curriculum includes an above-average number of professional subjects, providing students with thorough and relevant knowledge.
  • Who can enroll in the 1st year?
    Enrollment in the 1st year (Management of International Logistics program) is open to candidates who meet one of the following conditions: 1. Completed vocational maturity exam, or 2. Completed general maturity exam, or 3. Completed final exam in any four-year high school program.
  • How do you register and enroll in the 1st year?
    Applications to higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia are carried out through the eVŠ (electronic application and enrollment system). Detailed instructions for completing the application are available at the following link: Instructions. For additional questions or clarifications, feel free to contact us via email at We are delighted to assist you throughout the entire process to ensure a smooth and efficient experience during the application and enrollment.
  • Who can enroll in the 2nd year?
    Candidates who can directly enroll in the 2nd year of the program include the following groups: - Graduates of related higher vocational programs, such as logistics, economic, and business sciences, - Graduates of unrelated higher vocational programs, - Students of higher education programs who show an interest in continuing their studies at the Higher School of Logistics, and - Students who have successfully completed equivalent education abroad.
  • Submitting an application for recognition of completed study obligations:
    Steps to be followed by those who want to enroll directly in the 2nd year: 1. Submitting an application for the recognition of exams already taken. In addition to personal data, candidates must also attach either a. Certificate of exams already taken (obtain it from the higher education institution where you graduated) or b. Certified attachment to the higher school diploma. The form is available here, 2. Submitting an application on the eVŠ (electronic enrollment portal). → Text and image instructions for applying through the eVŠ can be found here.
  • Who needs to take differential exams?
    Diploma graduates from related higher professional programs (admitted after 1994) can enroll directly in the 2nd year. (Examples: logistics engineering, economic and business sciences, etc.) Students must pass 2 differential exams from the 1st year during the study program, namely: 1. Basics of Logistics and Sustainable Mobility (6 ECTS) and 2. Legal Frameworks for International Logistics Business (5 ECTS). Similarly, graduates from unrelated higher professional programs (admitted after 1994) can also enroll directly in the 2nd year. Students must pass 3 differential exams from the 1st year during the study program, namely: 1. Basics of Logistics and Sustainable Mobility (6 ECTS), 2. Legal Frameworks for International Logistics Business (5 ECTS), and 3. Business Economics (5 ECTS). Lectures and differential exams will be organized at NOA. The exams must be completed by the end of the study program.
  • Who is the Master's degree, Sustainable Mobility and Logistics, at NOA intended for?
    The Master's program in Sustainable Mobility and Logistics at NOA is designed for ambitious individuals seeking to deepen their knowledge and specialize in the field of sustainable mobility and logistics. The program is tailored for those aspiring to pursue a career in the sustainable development of the transportation sector and understand the complexity and significance of logistical challenges in the contemporary global environment. We provide students with an exceptional learning environment, fostering connections with industry experts to gain practical experiences and knowledge. The program is open to individuals who meet the admission requirements and wish to enhance their expertise in sustainable mobility and logistics.
  • Who can enroll in the Master's study program, Sustainable Mobility and Logistics?
    Candidates can enroll in the first year of the Master's degree program, 2nd cycle, Sustainable Mobility and Logistics if they meet the following conditions: 1. Completion of a higher education program of the first degree (professional or university) with a scope of at least 180 ECTS, in the fields of business and administrative sciences, law (04), economics (0311), information and communication technologies (06), security (103), transport services (1088), or any other comparable study program. 2. Completion of a higher professional study program accepted before 11.06.2004 (before the introduction of the Bologna system). 3. Completion of a university study program or a specialist study program after completing higher professional education, accepted before 11. 6. 2004 (before the introduction of the Bologna system). Candidates who have completed study programs from points 1, 2, and 3 above but in fields not listed in the first paragraph can also enroll in the Master's program. Any additional study obligations are completed with the subjects Basics of Logistics and Sustainable Mobility (6 ECTS) and Business Economics (5 ECTS). Based on the extent of recognized obligations from the previous study program, obtained in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, a candidate can enroll in the same or a higher year of the Master's program, 2nd cycle, Sustainable Mobility and Logistics, if they meet the conditions for the transition, as defined by the accredited study program.
  • How do you apply and enroll in the master's study program?
    Applications to higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia are processed through the eVŠ system. Detailed instructions for completing the application are available at the following link: Instructions. For additional questions or clarifications, feel free to contact us via email at We are happy to assist you and provide support throughout the entire process, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience during the application and enrollment.
  • Who needs to take differential exams?
    Candidates who have completed study programs as mentioned in points 1, 2, and 3 of the previous paragraph but from fields not listed in the first paragraph can also enroll in the Master's degree program, Sustainable Mobility and Logistics. Any additional study obligations can be fulfilled by taking the subjects Basics of Logistics and Sustainable Mobility (6 ECTS) and Business Economics (5 ECTS). Based on the extent of recognized obligations from the previous study program, acquired in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, a candidate may enroll in the same or a higher year of the Master's degree program, Sustainable Mobility and Logistics, if they meet the conditions for transfer, as defined by the accredited study program.
  • Who can enroll and study as a citizen?
    At NOA, we are open to all interested individuals who meet the admission requirements and wish to obtain top-notch education in the field of sustainable mobility and logistics. Enrollment in our study program is possible at any time during the year, providing you with flexibility and adaptability to your life and professional commitments. As a NOA citizen, you will enjoy the same privileges and opportunities as all enrolled students. Our vision is to create an environment where each individual can develop their potentials and enhance their professional skills. With our commitment to quality education and collaboration with industry experts, we provide an excellent opportunity for you to build a successful career in the field of sustainable mobility and logistics.
  • Does the citizen have student status?
    A citizen does not have the status of a student at the faculty, which means they do not have the rights associated with the status of a student.
  • What are the costs of studying as a citizen?
    The costs of study for citizens are associated with the exams they take. Specifically, the cost of one exam is calculated based on the ECTS credit points of the subject and the value of 1 ECTS credit point in EUR.
  • How can I apply to study as a citizen?
    To enroll as a citizen at NOA, you can follow these steps: 1. Fill out the application form available below and attach the necessary documentation. For any questions or additional information, please contact us in advance at 2. If the candidate meets the admission requirements, a contract is signed between the university and the candidate. The contract precisely defines the subjects the citizen must complete, sets deadlines for the completion of the learning unit, knowledge assessment, and the payment method. 3. Once the formalities are settled, the citizen gains access to the administrative platform and e-learning platform, and can thus begin the study process. We look forward to collaborating with you.
  • How do the exams take place?
    Citizens have the option to access all announced exam dates, subject to the same conditions as students with student status. This means that they can take the exam if they meet the required conditions for each subject. To register for an exam date, citizens must register at least 3 days before the exam date through the online portal. A prerequisite for participating in the exam date is the prior payment of the course. After successfully completing study obligations, citizens receive a certificate of completed study obligations, specifying the acquired ECTS points. These completed study obligations can then be claimed if the citizen later enrolls in study programs at the university. It is important to note that as a citizen, it is not possible to complete a full course of study and obtain a diploma and professional title. To obtain a professional title, the candidate must formally enroll in the relevant study program. In the case of enrollment in a university study program, the completed obligations as a citizen are recognized, which can result in a proportional reduction in tuition fees upon enrollment for the first year of study.
  • Can I unregister when I am studying as a citizen?
    Citizens can either discontinue their studies or withdraw. In this case, please contact us at
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